
Eladio tiene parásitos en el cerebro.

Medical Spanish for healthcare providers: dialogue 61 (Eladio has parasites in the brain.)

neurocysticercosis - neurocisticercosis

Tío: Buenas tardes. Aquí traemos a mi sobrino Eladio, que ahora vive con nosotros, porque se ha estado quejando de dolores de cabeza. Hoy, le dio un ataque.

(Good afternoon. Our nephew Eladio, who lives with us, has been complaining of headaches. Then, today, he had a seizure. [Literally, "We bring here my nephew, Eladio, who now lives with us, because he has been complaining of headaches."]) Note: Literally, it says, "Today, it gave to him an attack," which is a colloquial way to say "seizure."

Doctora: ¿Un ataque? ¿A qué se refiere?

(An attack? What do you mean? [To what are you referring?])

Tía: Usted sabe, empezó a temblarle todo el cuerpo, y tratábamos de llamarlo y no nos oía, pero paró solo. Después, él no recordaba nada de lo que había pasado.

(You know, his whole body began to tremble, and we were trying to call him and he didn't hear us, but it stopped by itself. Afterwords, he did not remember what had happened to him.) Note: Literally, it says, "Began to tremble to him, all the body." The word "le" connected to "temblar" is the indirect object, and refers to the patient.

Doctora: Eso parece una convulsión. ¿Y dónde vivía él antes? ¿Desde cuándo está con Ustedes?

(That seems to be a convulsion. And where was he living before? How long has he been [since when is he] with you?)

Tía: Él es nuestro sobrino. Estaba en América Central con sus padres, y lo trajimos a vivir con nosotros hace un mes. Allá, él tuvo convulsiones y le dieron tratamiento antiepiléptico.

(He is our nephew. He was in Central America with his parents, and we brought him to live with us a month ago. There, he had convulsions and they gave him antiepileptic treatment.)

Eladio: Yo tengo un amigo que tenía gusanos dentro de la cabeza. ¿Puede ser que yo tenga lo mismo que él?

(I have a friend who had worms inside of his head. Could it be that I have the same (problem) as him?) Note: Observe that "tenga" is first person subjunctive of the verb "tener."

Tío: Mi hermano dice que este niño siempre comía comidas que vendían en los kioscos de la calle. Y allá, en ese pueblo, los controles de higiene de alimentos no son tan buenos.

(My brother says that this boy was always eating foods that they sold in the street kiosks. And there, in that town, the control of food hygiene is not very good.)

Doctora: Voy a pedir una tomografía.

(I am going to request a CT scan.)


Un rato después... (A little while later...)


Tía: ¿Ya tiene los resultados doctora?

(Do you have the results yet, doctor?)



Doctora: Sí. La tomografía muestra que Eladio tiene neurocisticercosis. Algunas larvas de un parásito llamado "Taenia solium" entraron en su cerebro, le causaron daños en ciertas zonas, y por eso está teniendo dolores de cabeza y convulsiones.

(Yes, the CT scan shows that Eladio has neurocysticercosis. Some larvae of a parasite called, "Taenia solium" entered into his brain, they caused him harm in certain areas, and therefore, he is having headaches and convulsions.)

Tío: ¿Y eso se puede curar?

(And that can be cured?) Note: Observe the use of reflexive form (puede curarse = can cure itself) to denote passive speech.

Doctora: En el caso de Eladio, podemos darle tratamiento antiparasitario para las lesiones cerebrales y medicina para controlar las convulsiones. Será prolongado, y requerirá varias citas de seguimiento durante el primer año.

(In the case of Eladio, we can give him antiparasite treatment for the cerebral lesions and medicine to control the convulsions. It will be prolonged, and will require various follow-up appointments during the first year.)

Tía: Pero, ¿va a seguir con los ataques?

(But, is he going to continue with the attacks?)

Doctora: Puede que la propensión a las convulsiones no desaparezca, y deba tomar medicinas antiepilépticas permanentemente.

(It may be that the propensity for the convulsions will not [does not] disappear, and he will have to [must] take antiepileptic medicines permanently.)


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Aviso: Esta página no es para proveer consejos médicos o información médica, sino sólo para ayudar a las personas a comunicarse en español. Si tiene algún problema de salud, consulte a su médico.

Notice: This page is not for providing medical advice or medical information, but only for helping people to communicate in Spanish. If you have a health problem, consult your doctor.