
Rodrigo tiene mucha picazón.

Medical Spanish for healthcare providers: dialogue 62 (Rodrigo has a lot of itching.)

scabies - sarna (escabiosis)

Papá: Buenas tardes, señorita. ¿La doctora tiene muchos pacientes hoy?

(Good afternoon, miss. Does the doctor have many patients today?)

Enfermera (nurse): Dígame, ¿qué le pasa a Rodrigo?

(Tell me, what is going on with Rodrigo?) Note: Literally, it says, "what happens to Rodrigo?"

Mamá: Es que quisiéramos que la doctora examine al niño porque está teniendo mucha picazón. Y mire cómo se ha lastimado la piel de tanto rascarse.

(It's that we wanted the doctor to [wanted that the doctor] examine the boy because he is having a lot of itching. And look how he has hurt his skin by so much scratching.) Note: Observe that the first verb is imperfect subjunctive, and the second verb is present subjunctive.

Enfermera: ¿Cuándo le empezó esto? ¿Rodrigo asiste a una guardería?

(When did this begin? Does Rodrigo attend a daycare? ) Note: Literally, it says, "when to him began this?" The indirect object, in this case, "him," is frequently used in Spanish.

Mamá: Hace dos meses que empezó a ir a la guardería donde va mi hijo mayor. Antes de eso, lo cuidaba yo. Tiene como una semana con esta rasquiña. La niñera en la guardería niega haberle dado alguna comida diferente de su dieta habitual.

(Two months ago he began to go to the daycare where my older son goes. Before that, I was caring for him. He has about a week with this itching. The babysitter in the daycare denies having given him any different food from his usual diet.)

Papá: No estamos seguros de lo que está pasando. Casi no puede dormir, porque la picazón le ataca mayormente de noche. Por eso decidimos traerlo.

(We are not sure what is happening. He almost cannot sleep because the itching attacks him mainly at night. Therefore, we decided to bring him.)

Enfermera: Por lo que Ustedes están diciendo, y con estas lesiones, eso hace pensar que algo está afectando la piel directamente. Voy a llamar a la doctora. Pasen a esta sala, por favor.

(By what you are saying, and with those lesions, it makes one think that something is affecting the skin directly. I am going to call the doctor. Come to this room, please.)

Doctora: Déjenme ver a este bebé. ¿Ha tenido fiebre o algún malestar adicional?

(Let me see this baby. Has he had fever or some additional discomfort?)

Papá: No, no ha tenido nada más.

(No, he has not had anything else.) Note: The word "nada" makes it a double negative, but this is normal in Spanish.

Doctora: Esto es escabiosis. ¿Saben si alguien en la guardería tiene lo mismo? Esta enfermedad se transmite por contacto directo con otra persona infestada. Es causada por ácaros, que son como insectos diminutos.

(This is scabies. Do you know if anyone in the daycare has the same thing? This illness is transmitted by direct contact with another infested person. It is caused by mites, which are like tiny insects.)

Mamá: ¿Quiere decir que se nos puede contagiar a nosotros también? ¿Podemos hacer algo para evitarlo?

(Do you mean that it can be passed to us also? Can we do something to avoid it?)



Doctora: Deben cambiar y lavar la ropa con frecuencia. Les voy a indicar tratamiento a Rodrigo y a todos en la familia por si acaso. Es una crema.

(You must change and wash the clothes frequently. I am going to prescribe treatment to everybody in the family just in case. It is a cream.)

Enfermera: Ustedes deberán notificar a la guardería para que sea hecho un chequeo tanto a los otros niños como al personal.

(You will have to notify the daycare so that they check [so that a check be done] on both the other children and the staff.) Note: Observe the use of the expression, "tanto...como."


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Aviso: Esta página no es para proveer consejos médicos o información médica, sino sólo para ayudar a las personas a comunicarse en español. Si tiene algún problema de salud, consulte a su médico.

Notice: This page is not for providing medical advice or medical information, but only for helping people to communicate in Spanish. If you have a health problem, consult your doctor.