
Leonardo se está poniendo muy amarillo.

Medical Spanish for healthcare providers: dialogue 44 (Leonardo is becoming very yellow.)

jaundice - ictericia

Mamá: Ay, Doctora, no sé qué está pasando. El bebé se está poniendo más amarillo.

(Oh, doctor, I don't know what is happening. The baby is becoming more yellow.)

Doctora: ¿Más amarillo? ¿Y desde cuándo está así?

(More yellow? And how long has he been that way? [Literally, "since when is he like that?"])

Mamá: En realidad, desde que nació. Nació en la casa hace una semana. Al principio era sólo un poco, pero ahora el color es más intenso. Le doy pecho, y está empezando a tomarlo mejor.

(In reality, since he was born. He was born in the house a week ago. At first it was only a little, but now the color is more intense. I breastfeed him, and he is beginning to take it (the milk) better.) Note: Literally, it says, "I give him chest," which means breastfeeding.

Doctora: Ahh, entiendo. ¿Alguna vez tuvo cuidado prenatal?

(Ahh, I understand. At any point did you have prenatal care?)

Mamá: Sí, al principio, pero luego no continué porque me mudé para esta ciudad durante el embarazo, y no tengo seguro. Una comadrona, amiga de mi mamá, me ayudó en el parto.

(Yes, at first, but later I didn't continue because I moved to this city during the pregnancy, and I don't have insurance. A midwife, friend of my mother, helped me in the delivery.)

Doctora: ¿Sabes si tú y el padre de Leonardo tienen incompatibilidad de sangre? Voy a pedirle al bebé los niveles de bilirrubina en sangre, tipo sanguíneo y una hematología completa.

(Do you know if you and the father of Leonardo have different blood types? [Literally, "incompatibility of blood?"] I am going to order (for the baby) the levels of bilirubin in blood, blood type, and a complete blood count.) Note: Literally, it says "complete hematology."

Mamá: No sé nada de la sangre del papá. Apenas quedé embarazada nos separamos.

(I don't know anything about the blood of the father. As soon as I was pregnant, we separated.) Note: Observe the verb "quedar," which usually means "remain" or "stay," is sometimes used as a form of "to be," when referring to a result of something. Idiomatic translations could sometimes be "turned out," or "was left."



Doctora: Este color amarillo se llama ictericia, y luce severa. Lo dejaré hospitalizado. Le empezaré una hidratación de inmediato, y necesitará tratamiento con lámparas.

(This yellow color is called jaundice [icterus], and it looks severe. I will keep him in the hospital. [Literally, "leave him hospitalized."] I will begin (for him) IV fluid right away, [Literally, "a hydration immediately,"] and he will need light therapy. [treatment with lamps.])

Mamá: No entiendo doctora. ¿Esto es muy malo? ¿De qué habla?

(I don't understand doctor. Is this very bad? What are you talking about? [Literally, "of what do you speak?"])

Doctora: Los síntomas sugieren niveles altos de una sustancia llamada bilirrubina. Si se acumula demasiado, puede producir una enfermedad llamada kernicterus, lo que puede generar daños neurológicos permanentes.

(The symptoms suggest high levels of a substance called bilirubin. If it accumulates too much, it can produce an illness called kernicterus, which can cause permanent neurologic damage.)


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Notice: This page is not for providing medical advice or medical information, but only for helping people to communicate in Spanish. If you have a health problem, consult your doctor.