
Medical Spanish Video
History - Timing of Symptoms

Doctora Azulita explains how to ask about the timing of symptoms.

Hola, yo soy la doctora Azulita.
Today, we will ask about the timing of a patient’s chief complaint, or symptoms.
To simply ask, “For how long?” you can say, “¿Hace cuánto?”
Or, “since when?” “¿Desde cuándo?”
“When did it begin?”   “¿Cuándo empezó?”
¨When did the symptoms begin?”  “¿Cuándo empezaron los síntomas?”
Now, suppose you want to be more precise.
For example, let’s ask, “Did that occur yesterday?”  “¿Eso ocurrió ayer?”
“Did that occur today?”  “¿Eso ocurrió hoy?”
“Does it happen more in the morning, in the afternoon, or at night?”   “¿Sucede más en la mañana, en la tarde, o en la noche?”
Now let’s ask about frequency.
“Does it happen frequently?” “¿Se repite con frecuencia?”
To ask more specifically “how often,” you can say, “¿Con qué frecuencia?” or “¿Cada cuánto?”
Bueno, esto es todo por hoy.  ¡Hasta pronto!