
Slow down and please repeat!

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As you begin to learn Spanish, you will naturally want to interact with Spanish speaking people. The following phrases will help you maintain the conversation without giving up!

Hable más despacio por favor.

(Speak more slowly please.)

Por favor, ¿puede repetir lo que dijo?

(Please, can you repeat what you said?)

Lo siento, no le entiendo.

(Sorry, I don't understand you.)

¿Qué quiso decir?

(What did you mean to say?)

Por favor, ¿puede decirlo con otras palabras?

(Please, can you say it with other words?)

Espere, por favor. ¿Qué fue lo que dijo?

(Wait please. What was it that you said?)

¿Está tratando de decir...?

(Are you trying to say...?)

¿Usted dijo...?

(Did you say...)


(Excuse me?) Note: This is to say, please repeat or clarify what you are saying.


(What?) Note: This is to say, please repeat or clarify what you are saying.


(What?) Note: This is an expression used in Mexico.



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