
Teresa tiene la gripe porcina.

Medical Spanish for healthcare providers: dialogue 64 (Teresa has the swine flu.)


Enfermera (nurse): ¡Hola! ¿Qué le trae hoy por aquí?

(Hi. What brings you here today?)

Papá: Traigo a Teresita porque tiene mucha fiebre, malestar y moco nasal. No quiere comer y no deja de toser. Además, se queja de dolor de garganta y náuseas.

(I bring little Teresa because she has a lot of fever, malaise, and runny nose. She does not want to eat, and does not stop coughing. Furthermore, she complains of sore throat and nausea.) Note: Observe that adding the ending "ita" to a name, makes it diminutive, suggesting intimacy or endearment, as in the case of the youngest of a group of siblings. Also, note that "moco nasal" literally means, "nasal mucus."

Enfermera: Bueno, resulta que recientemente hemos tenido bastantes pacientes con esos síntomas.

(Well, it turns out that recently we have had quite a few patients with those symptoms.)

Papá: A mi bisabuelo le dió la gripe española durante la pandemia de 1918, y casi murió. Y como he estado oyendo las noticias de la gripe porcina que está atacando a la gente, no puedo evitar preocuparme.

(My great grandfather had the Spanish flu during the pandemic of 1918, and almost died. And as I have been hearing the news of the swine flu that is attacking people, I cannot avoid being worried.) Note: Literally, it says, "To my great grandfather it gave to him the flu..." When discussing illnesses or symptoms, this manner of speaking is very common in Spanish.

Doctor: ¿Viajaron Ustedes recientemente?

(Did you travel recently?)

Papá: Sí, Doctor. Hace una semana que llegamos de México, porque fuimos a visitar a la familia de mi esposa. Y por cierto, desde esta mañana yo empecé a tener los mismos síntomas.

(Yes, doctor. A week ago, we arrived from Mexico, because we went to visit my wife's family. And by the way, since this morning, I began to have the same symptoms.) Note: Literally, it says, "It makes a week that we arrived from Mexico..."

Teresa: ¿Y qué es la gripe porcina?

(And what is the swine flu?)

Enfermera: Es un tipo de gripe, que hasta ahora, sólo afectaba a los cerdos. Pero el germen, un virus respiratorio llamado "influenza," cambió su estructura y ahora existe en la población humana, diseminándose de persona a persona.

(It is a type of flu, that until now, only affected pigs. But the germ, a respiratory virus called "influenza," changed it's structure, and now exists in the human population, spreading from person to person.)

Doctor: Puede ser diseminada a través de secreciones provenientes de la tos y de estornudos, o tocando cualquier superficie contaminada, y luego tocándose la nariz, los ojos, o la boca.

(It can be spread through the secretions arising from the cough and from sneezes, or touching any contaminated surface, and then touching your nose, eyes, or mouth.)

Enfermera: Vamos a hacerles una prueba sencilla. Con hisopos les vamos a tomar muestras de las secreciones de la nariz, para determinar en el laboratorio el tipo de gripe.

(We are going to do (to you) a simple test. With swabs we are going to take samples of the secretions from the nose, to determine in the laboratory the type of flu.)

Doctor: Por los hallazgos al examen de los pulmones de Teresa, y por el tipo de tos, es necesario hacerle una radiografía, para descartar una pulmonía.

(By the findings of Teresa's lung examination and the nature of her cough, it is necessary to obtain an x-ray, to rule out a pneumonia.) Note: Literally, it says, "By the findings at the examination of the lungs of Teresa..." And later, it says, "to do to her a radiograph."

Papá: ¿Y hay alguna forma de evitar que los otros miembros de la familia se enfermen con la gripe porcina?

(And is there any way to prevent other family members from becoming sick [Literally, "some way to avoid that the other members of the family become sick"] with the swine flu?)



Enfermera: Sí. Todos deben cubrirse la nariz y la boca con un pañuelo de papel al toser o estornudar, y botarlo. Adicionalmente, deben lavarse las manos frecuentemente, y en lo posible evitar tocarse la boca, los ojos o la nariz.

(Yes. Everyone must cover his or her nose and mouth with a tissue when coughing or sneezing, and throw it out. Additionally, everyone must wash his or her hands frequently, and as much as possible (try to) avoid touching his or her mouth, eyes, or nose.)

Papá: ¿Pero, Teresita va a estar bien?

(But is little Teresa going to be ok?)

Doctor: Todos los casos no son iguales. Aunque la mayoría de los pacientes se recuperan, algunos pueden ser graves, especialmente si hay una neumonía que no esté siendo tratada adecuadamente.

(Not all cases are the same. Although the majority of patients recuperate, some can be very ill [grave], especially if there is a pneumonia that is not being treated adequately.)


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Aviso: Esta página no es para proveer consejos médicos o información médica, sino sólo para ayudar a las personas a comunicarse en español. Si tiene algún problema de salud, consulte a su médico.

Notice: This page is not for providing medical advice or medical information, but only for helping people to communicate in Spanish. If you have a health problem, consult your doctor.