
Bernardo tose con sangre.

Medical Spanish for healthcare providers: dialogue 55 (Bernardo coughs with blood.)


Sr. Director: Doctor, quisiera que evaluara a Bernardo. Él es un indigente, quien hace dos días, fue traído por servicios sociales, a vivir en el refugio para desamparados, que yo dirijo.

(Doctor, I want you to take a look at Bernardo. [Literally, "wanted that you evaluated Bernardo."] He is an indigent, who, two days ago, was brought by social services to live in the shelter (refuge) for abandoned people, which I direct.)

Doctor: ¿Qué es lo que le preocupa exactamente?

(What is it that worries you exactly?)

Sr. Director: Tose con frecuencia, a veces con algo de sangre. Está muy delgado y pálido. Y me parece que tiene fiebre cada noche. No quiero que vaya a contagiar "algo" a los otros en el refugio.

(He coughs a lot (with frequency), sometimes with some blood. He is very thin and pallid. And it seems to me that he has a fever every night. I don't want him to infect the others in the shelter.) Note: Literally, it says, "I don't want that he go to infect "something" to the others."

Bernardo: Yo lo que tengo es gripe. Eso es porque en la calle no es fácil conseguir comida. Siempre hay frío, y no hay donde abrigarse.

(The thing that I have is flu. That is because in the street it is not easy to obtain food. It is always cold, and there is nowhere to take shelter [shelter yourself].)

Doctor: Bernardo, ¿desde cuándo tienes tos? ¿Alguien más en la calle estaba tosiendo con sangre como tú?

(Bernardo, how long have you been coughing? [Literally, "since when do you have cough?"] Was someone else in the street coughing with blood, like you?)

Bernardo: Sí doctor, varios tosían, pero yo era el único que siempre temblaba en las noches. Además, todos me decían que estaba perdiendo mucho peso. Pero, ¿por qué lo pregunta?

(Yes doctor, several were coughing, but I was the only one who was always trembling at night [in the nights]. Furthermore, everyone was telling me that I was losing a lot of weight. But, why do you ask?) Note: Observe in this sentence the use of the past imperfect tense.

Doctor: La auscultación pulmonar muestra que hay algunos ruidos que sugieren enfermedad. Te voy a pedir una radiografía de tórax y pruebas de laboratorio.

(The lung exam [pulmonary auscultation] demonstrates that there are some noises that suggest illness. I am going to request a chest x-ray [radiograph of the thorax] and laboratory tests.)

Bernardo: ¿Y todo esto por una gripe?

(And all this for a flu?)



Doctor: Te haremos una prueba en la piel, llamada PPD, y cuando tosas, vamos a necesitar que recolectes parte de ese moco, para analizarlo en el laboratorio. Tenemos que descartar tuberculosis.

(You will have a skin test, [We will do to you a test on the skin,] called PPD, and when you cough, we are going to need that you collect part of that mucus, to analize it in the laboratory. We have to rule out tuberculosis.)

Sr. Director: ¿Y el tratamiento? ¿Se van a contagiar todos los demás?

(And the treatment? Are the others going to be infected?)

Doctor: Una vez que tengamos el resultado definitivo, podremos decidir el tratamiento. Probablemente será necesario separarlo del resto de los residentes por un tiempo.

(Once that we have the definitive result, we can decide on the treatment. It will probably be necessary to separate him from the rest of the residents for a while.)


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Aviso: Esta página no es para proveer consejos médicos o información médica, sino sólo para ayudar a las personas a comunicarse en español. Si tiene algún problema de salud, consulte a su médico.

Notice: This page is not for providing medical advice or medical information, but only for helping people to communicate in Spanish. If you have a health problem, consult your doctor.