
Raquel tiene una fractura.

Medical Spanish for healthcare providers: dialogue 34 (Raquel has a fracture.)

fracture - fractura

Mamá: Doctora, traigo a la niña porque tiene el brazo hinchado y no lo quiere mover. Ella estaba en su bicicleta, y se cayó.

(Doctor, I brought (bring) the girl because her arm is swollen (she has the arm swollen) and does not want to move it. She was on her bicycle, and she fell.)

Doctora: Tal vez tenga una fractura. Por ahora, le colocaremos un analgésico y le pediremos una radiografía.

(Maybe she has a fracture. For now, we will give her an analgesic and we will request (for her) an x-ray.)

Mamá: ¿Van a tener que operarla?

(Are you going to have to operate on her?)

Doctora: Probablemente no será necesario en vista de los hallazgos al examen físico.

(It will probably not be necessary in view of the physical exam findings.)

Mamá: Estoy muy preocupada...

(I am very worried...)

Doctora: Señora, ya llegaron los resultados. La fractura luce alineada en la radiografía. Quiere decir que el hueso está roto, pero no desplazado.

(Ma'am, the results arrived now. The fracture looks aligned in the radiograph. It means that the bone is broken, but not displaced.) Note: "Quiere decir" literally means "wants to say."

Mamá: Y ahora, ¿qué va a pasar?

(And what happens now? Literally, "And now, what is going to happen?")

Doctora: Es una fractura simple, que no requiere cirugía. Le voy a colocar una inmovilización de yeso.

(It is a simple fracture that does not require surgery. I am going to place a cast.) Note: Literally, it says, "to her I am going to place an immobilization of plaster.



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Notice: This page is not for providing medical advice or medical information, but only for helping people to communicate in Spanish. If you have a health problem, consult your doctor.