
Sandra está cojeando.

Medical Spanish for healthcare providers: dialogue 17 (Sandra is limping.)

septic arthritis - artritis séptica

Mamá: Doctor, la niña está cojeando desde hace dos dias. Es la primera vez que esto sucede.

(Doctor, the girl is limping for two days now. It is the first time that this has happened.) Note: "Hace dos dias" literally means "it makes two days." In Spanish, that is how it is said when referring to how long something has been going on. Also, observe once again the use of the present tense, "that this happens," in reference to something ever having occured before.

Doctor: Voy a examinarla. ¿Cuánto hace que empezó a caminar?

(I am going to examine her. How long ago did she begin to walk?) Note: Literally, it says, "how much does it make that she began to walk?"

Mamá: Ya tiene tres meses caminando, pero ahora cojea, y llora cuando le toco la pierna.

(She has been walking for three months, but now she limps, and cries when I touch her leg.) Note: Observe how in Spanish it is said "to her I touch the leg" instead of saying "I touch her leg."

Doctor: Pediremos radiografías, exámenes de laboratorio, y haremos un procedimiento. ¿Ha tenido fiebre?

(We will request radiographs, laboratory tests, and we will do a procedure. Has she had fever?)

Mamá: Sí, muy alta, que no se quita completamente con la medicina.

(Yes, very high, which doesn't go away with medicine.) Note:Literally, it says, "no se quita," or "it does not take out itself."

Doctor: Parece ser una infección en la articulación de la cadera.

(It seems to be an infection in the joint of the hip.)

One hour later...

Doctor: Señora, el diagnóstico se confirma; hay una artritis séptica. La dejaremos unos días en el hospital para darle tratamiento.

(Ma'am, the diagnosis is confirmed. There is a septic arthritis. We will leave her in the hospital for a few days to give her treatment.)



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Aviso: Esta página no es para proveer consejos médicos o información médica, sino sólo para ayudar a las personas a comunicarse en español. Si tiene algún problema de salud, consulte a su médico.

Notice: This page is not for providing medical advice or medical information, but only for helping people to communicate in Spanish. If you have a health problem, consult your doctor.